Saturday, August 15, 2020

Super Easy Ways To Learn Everything About The Law of Marketing.

Every Business owner wants Digital Services and Every business wants to promote their products online, but very few know about how Digital Services are to be used economically. 

In this article we'll be knowing about The Law of Marketing.

Before that, we must know that Marketing is vast subject and we have to know more information and understand the concepts.

Let's discuss, simple things about Marketing.

Do you know Marketing is different from selling?

Do you know Marketing is a science?


You will be surprised if you find the reason behind them.

The Topics that are going to cover in this article:

1. Fundamentals of Marketing

2. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

3. CATT Marketing Funnel

4. Integrated Digital Marketing

5. Personal Branding: Mass Trust Blue Print

Learning and Implementing of the above topics shows the Success of the Marketing.

Let's begin, one by one..

Wait a second, befoe begin we must know the simple law of Marketing i.e., The aim of Marketing is to know and understand the customer.

1. Fundamentals of Marketing:

We will identify our marketing strategy done through some simple Basic steps.

    1. by Targeting audience

    2. by Educating our Audience

    3. also, by Building Trust

Meanwhile, before proceeding our topics, We should the importance of the Communication skills when we are doing Marketing.

I think you must be surprised How Communication skills are important for Marketing.

Don't worry, Digital Marketing makes it simple, Let's discuss how?

Digital Marketing is all about communication, it's about building relationships and establishng trust and frequent reminders through messages and convying the audience.

We will be in success if we know who is our Audience and How to tackle the needs of Audience or customers.

Everyone knows that, ultimately Customer is the King of the any business.

Marketing means, knowing the costomer's need and demand finally satisfying them. The organization should be always be flexible it wants to succeed in the market. Because, we know always Customer is the King.

In order to survive in this competitive world, Organizations must do marketing and satisfy the customer needs.

Let's move on to our next topic.

2. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing:

Here we must understand that, the main difference between Digital and Traditional Marketing is,.. the Medium through which the audience know about marketing message.

Here, Traditional Marketing we use Newspapers, flyers, Radio, Telvision and magazines.

In Digital Marketing uses digital media like websites, Email Marketing and Social media sites.

Here we must know that, some business really needs Traditional Marketing, so don't under estimate the Traditional.

As a Marketer, we must know and balance both the Marketing Medium.

3. CATT Marketing Funnel:

Here Wealth = n^CATT


N = Niche, C= Content, A=Attention, T= Trust, T = Transaction

N = Niche : Our Success and wealth depend on niche what we choose. So must take more time while researching niche.

C = Content : If we really need to success in the market, Content must be impressive and that content should be relavant, solve the customer issue.

Quality content and regular posting of the content results, customer revisit also customer suggests to new customer.

A = Attention : Customer attention should be maintained by conducting webinars, youtube videos and by posting in Social Media.

T = Trust : Here, Trust plays a vital role to grow any business, because trustful relationship always help our audience to become Customer.

So build trust by using Marketing automation and re-targeting methods.

T = Transaction : Here is the final step where we convert our lead into Sales.

So, We must focus on CATT formula. Definately wealth maximizes.

4. Integrated Digital Marketing : 

We have many tools for Digital Marketing, always ever components work together like machine and gives us powerful output.

Here preferably try to Advertise free Quality Content to maximize the profits.

Social Media Marketing: Always produce quality content and product which results Audience share the product and some times it goes viral if we maintain quality, in this case audience give honest feed back.

Ads: Ads are like booster packs which helps us to maximize our return.

Always remember, Quality Content and product is foundation for our Digital journey.

5.Personal Branding: Mass Trust Blue Print :

Do you know Why is Personal Branding often called a Mass Trust Blueprint?

People or Audience alwys start looking to us when we are visible, which can be easily done by personal branding.

Here in Personal branding we get instant customers even before product is launched, it only happens when a strong personal brand.

Personal Branding a Mass Trust needs LEARN, WORK, BLOG, CONSULT, MENTOR and STARUP.

Learn: It is always suggests that, learn new skills andd brush up existing skills through concept, never stop learning because the market is continously evolving.

Work: It's advisable to implement whatever you learn and start working on it. (Work = Job / Freelancing / own project)

Blog: Never stop writing what you have learned and experienced through work. Start building personal brand through a quality article.

Consult: Try to consult local business so that our confidence levles builds high. 

Mentor: Teach others so we can learn quickly. Help others to learn the things it helps us to make concepts clear.

Start up: Finally, start your own dream startup  or agency.

Final Words:

Marketing and Sales persons are the assets of any organization, it is not possible to replace with any robot or and digital inventions. Creativity and regular change special focus is important for these roles.

Digital Marketing is all about dedicating ourself to one niche and practicing daily. 

Digital Marketing can start via:

Own Blog

Online Marketing

Online Marketing Job


Working for free to gain some experience at the start.

Bullet points so far we covered :

Fundamentals of Marketing

Traditional Vs Digital Marketing

The CATT Marketing Funnel

The Integrated Digital Marketing Funnel

The importance of Communication Skills

Personal Branding and Mass Trust

Important to remember and Success Mantra

Always be an action taker.

Practice and learn Digital Marketing Concepts

Executing the Plans


Finally, Update your self according to market. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

My vision 2026



He complited his schooling from a small town and then moved to hyderabad to complete his higher studies. Now he is a successful affiliate marketer, blogger and social media specialist. He is well known person in the Digital Marketing industry. Currently running "Digital Ray's" company which have turnover in billion dollors in a time span of 6 years.

How did he start his Journey?

He started his journey with a small company which pays 4 digit salary and left the job within 2 years of working. But from his childhood he wants to work like a freelancer (i.e., no boss, no commands) then started with a small blog and got approved Google Adsense for making money through online, journey was quite smooth for somedays. Still he was not satisfied with his journey and started testing all online works, but his dream was big that he wants to run multi million dollor business.

Why did he choose Digital Marketing as a career?

Work Like a BossSince from his childhood, he has a dream of working like boss, so there is no other specific reason. Digital Marketing platform has a individualism to showcase our selves like a boss.

What he says about his future Goals and Dreams?

His goals and dreams are so simple.. To be happy and have success beyond money but with love and happiness. 

He also dream to make a difference in the young minds that he will influence and provide good guidance to everyone who loves to work like a boss.. He wants to be a great husband and parent as well.

A role model that they can be proud of and someone my parents admire. I just want to be happy and know that in my life I did all I could to be the best I could be.

Finally, he says "If you want to Go Fast, Go alone. If you want to Go Far, Go Together".

Disclaimer: This is a visionary article, this article is written to keep me motivated through my journey.

Super Easy Ways To Learn Everything About The Law of Marketing.

Every Business owner wants Digital Services and Every business wants to promote their products online, but very few know about how Digital S...