Friday, August 7, 2020

My vision 2026



He complited his schooling from a small town and then moved to hyderabad to complete his higher studies. Now he is a successful affiliate marketer, blogger and social media specialist. He is well known person in the Digital Marketing industry. Currently running "Digital Ray's" company which have turnover in billion dollors in a time span of 6 years.

How did he start his Journey?

He started his journey with a small company which pays 4 digit salary and left the job within 2 years of working. But from his childhood he wants to work like a freelancer (i.e., no boss, no commands) then started with a small blog and got approved Google Adsense for making money through online, journey was quite smooth for somedays. Still he was not satisfied with his journey and started testing all online works, but his dream was big that he wants to run multi million dollor business.

Why did he choose Digital Marketing as a career?

Work Like a BossSince from his childhood, he has a dream of working like boss, so there is no other specific reason. Digital Marketing platform has a individualism to showcase our selves like a boss.

What he says about his future Goals and Dreams?

His goals and dreams are so simple.. To be happy and have success beyond money but with love and happiness. 

He also dream to make a difference in the young minds that he will influence and provide good guidance to everyone who loves to work like a boss.. He wants to be a great husband and parent as well.

A role model that they can be proud of and someone my parents admire. I just want to be happy and know that in my life I did all I could to be the best I could be.

Finally, he says "If you want to Go Fast, Go alone. If you want to Go Far, Go Together".

Disclaimer: This is a visionary article, this article is written to keep me motivated through my journey.

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